Wednesday, October 15, 2008


after a very long September, i am taking it a bit slower...or at least trying to. Took this picture while lying in my "Mexican bed" (my son calls it his Mexican Bed) that hangs on the Veranda, the view is magnificent, i just love life on the farm!!!

I found this fantastic online class, and it is absolutely free, make sure you register in time. It is by the ever so talented Jessica Sprague and i can't wait for it to start!

Seems like my dogs are also taking things slower, well, any slower than this and they stop breathing.
My son asked me to make a mini album for Guillaum's Mom, i am doing my best to complete the album, but i am a bit slow...

Life point for today...
If we seek God only when we are desperate, He will keep us in desperate circumstances because He deeply desire to fellowship with us...

love and chocolate

16 of my friends said...:

Lynette Jacobs said...

Karin with a view like that I would never leave the mexican bed! :)

Desire Fourie said...

Cant agree more about how therapeutic farm life is. You can probably see the green glow coming from Fourways' side. Keep well.

Kara Ward said...

Oh, take me away....this is just a slice of heaven. Darling dogs too! Kara

Vicki Chrisman said...

OH... I love that photo ofthe dogs.. I could easily just lay down right there with them! Beautiful!!!

Sophia said...

I love where you live, beautiful, it looks so tranquil!

Jacqui Bourne said...

You are so blessed. I can only imagine how delightful it must be lying on your mexican bed. The dogs look so relaxed too. Definitely must be the farm life. Enjoy and take things slower and relax......

Kim Watson said...

Too true! Too true!

ScrapAddict said...

Oh I love that! I'd never leave....

Tracy said...


Enjoy chillin' girlfriend ...

Love, Tracy

Jenny said...

What a beautiful view you have! Almost makes me want to come back

Stefanie said...

Hello there, I linked to you from Kim's blog, just wanted to say "howzit".
I loved Stacy's class the best, the whole messy paint thing of Celine's was not really me.
Love the view you look at too.

Jacqui Bourne said...

Hi Karin, I've tagged you on my blog!!! Pop over and have a look.....


... said...

Karin! I'm so happy I finally found your blog. I had been thinking about you and wondering where you were. I love all your pics. I wish I was there enjoying the view with you. It is beautiful!

Tammy said...

What a simply amazing place you live in!

Desire Fourie said...

Hi Karin. Its me again. Just to let you know you've been tagged by Doing Life. So hop over there and have a look. Hugs from Desire said...

Hi Karin,

I like your life point: "If we seek God only when we are desperate, He will keep us in desperate circumstances because He deeply desire to fellowship with us..."

I expect this to be fulfilled in a larger sense in the years ahead. The vast majority of people on earth do not seek God earnestly, and God will allow troubles on this earth to increase dramatically to get the world's attention. In fact, there are Bible prophecies that relate directly to certain nations such as South Africa, Canada, Australia, and the United States that will probably come to pass in the lifetimes of most people alive today, as I talk about in my book.

A while back you came to my blog and said you would read my book. I hope you enjoyed it.

But also, your life point is very important to each of us individually. It helps me to remember to seek God when things are good, not just when I am in trouble. I think it will help me to think about it as the new year starts.